Sunday, October 23, 2011

Girls' Generation (SNSD) - The Boys

I am not a Hardcore fan, but I like Girls' Generation / SNSD. This month is their comeback~ Ganbatte ne, SNSD !

Here's their MV link :

The Boys - English version

Girls' Generation 소녀시대_THE BOYS_Music Video (ENG ver.)
SMTOWN - 1,917,734 views
Etto, I wanted use MV from SMTOWN but i unable to reach that.. so i used "VEVO" one =.=a
once I able to access the SMTOWN, I will change it..

The Boys - Korean version

Girls' Generation 소녀시대_THE BOYS_Music Video (KOR ver.)
SMTOWN - 10,144,462 views

and this one from MBC :

They were wearing Princes and Princesses costumes~

MY Opinion :
OK, this song really gives me Goosebumps every-time I watch or hear it.. It's great ! Song ( Of course ), Lyric, Dance move, MV and even Concept.. Of course, Their hard-work are worth of stand applause~
Thank you for visiting this blog. Have a nice day~

Thursday, September 29, 2011


In previous post, I told you that I will use this blog as my major's task, so.. I changed its background and system.
Once again, Pardon me. I changed my mind and use other blog for my mid-exam. I can't allow it somehow, this is mine.. Haha !

O White Rose will angry if she know about this.. Haha ! I will do my best for this blog..
Pardon Me and I appreciate you to come and read this blog. Enjoy your day..

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Warning !

I will use this blog as my major's task, so.. I changed its background and system.
That's all, since I need to do something else. I will spend my time more after Mid-Exams ( September 26th - 30th ), I will post my latest draws too.. ( If I can ).

Pardon Me and I appreciate you to come and read this blog. Enjoy your day.

Friday, September 02, 2011

Show Must Go On !

Haha ! It's been a long time I didn't write on this blog, nor this or my wordpress. There's lots of things I want to write on, but there's no time for that. OK, after I wrote Internship Days - part 2 there's lots of things happened. I already wrote it at my wordpress you can read it there if you want to. 
I haven't done my homework and ( of course ) quite stressed lately.. I kind like down for few weeks. Ahh, I done my Internship's project.. but my internship's place said I didn't. I already did my best and my PC almost torn up because their project, I said to them that I can't do it anymore since my PC can't survive and my class already started. I quite envy with my friends internship's place, since they are look like quite good and friendly ( i think ). OK, that's my fault for picked that internship place. Oh well, show must go on !

Now, I am searching for My Final Project's. Since I am taking Information Technology major, I must make a software or website or something like that. I must do it from zero ! My ability is at kind like Multimedia thing, like 3D or Movie editing. Facing this Final Project's make me feel down and confuse !! STILL, SHOW MUST GO ON ! I will do my best to do this Final Project next semester and hope I can do it ! I must dig in my ability and discover new one.. I want to find part-time job too, even it's really rarely to find here. 

OK, Thank you for reading and visiting this blog. Have a nice day~ !

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

'Close Ur Mouth'

This song quite good and.. i'm listening it now~

'Close Ur Mouth'
This song is from M&D (Midnight and Dawn).
by JungMo (TRAX) and HeeChul (Super Junior).

That's all .. I'll share other good song later~ Have a nice day..

Monday, July 04, 2011

Internship Days - part 2

Ahh.. I'm quite tired and need something to cheer me up.. Nee~ I wanted buy a wig, but ended up cut up my hair with same style like that wig.. Its really refreshed me and.. I will do my best for now on !

I'm waiting for ahh.. snack or cafe kind like which will be open soon. Since while doing this internship things, my appetite goes crazy even though my weight decreased O___O Its been 3 weeks and my weight still in same state 4* kg.. Shall i eat more than before or just be it ? haha.. its not quite troublesome for me, but for my family.. *sighs*
I watched a cooking TV show, local one which makes me addict to study cuisines.. Hahaha ! I'm not really into it, since i just watched, searched unknown cuisine names and.. sometimes i do make it.. a little. Ahh ! I forgot post my noodle recipe, i'll post it when i find mine.. since i forgot where is it.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Internship Days - part 1

I'm in internship place.. since i doing my internship project. Aa.. i quite bored and tired, even i can get few things as experiences.. but still i try to enjoy it.. *sighs*
There's so many to do, but.. i quite hate here ( somehow ). I don't know why.. i hope i can do it as quick as i can.. *sighs*

Honestly, there's so much things i want to do this holiday.. but i can't  since i must do my internship project *sighs* wish me luck..

Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy White Day~

Happy White day~ !

I'm done.. I gave her.. a lunch box with okonomiyaki, homemade dark chocolate, "One Piece" phone strap and.. my sketch.. I hope she like it~ Why I gave her so much stuffs ? Because she gave me so much too.. I'll make something nice later~ I don't have much time to take picture of it.. so.. just imagine it :p

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Countdown ! 8 days before White day

Ok ! Hello~ Baby !
I'm done doing my assignments ( again ). Today, I went to two different plazas.. First one to search white day's presents and second for DVD. I went to first plaza and.. crap ! I didn't find any good present.. my little sister find first than me.. argh ! I gave up, since we only have few hours there.. I planned to search in second plaza.. First target ! Figurine shop ! I went there and go around like a madman.. I found one ! A little strap which ( maybe ) she likes.. Later, I went to DVD store and.. I'm searching for "coffee prince" which I wonder why Kwon Yuri like it. In the end, there's no one of it.. so, i asked them and they said next week will be available.

Yesterday~ Ouji gave me advices for strap or something like that.. Today.. my little sister gave me advices too, " just make an okonomiyaki.. " okay~ *backstabs*

Today's theme song : "Song of Freedom Fighters" by Noriyuki Iwadare ( Radiata Stories )

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Countdown ! 9 days before White day

Ahh.. I'm done doing my assignments (for now). Last wednesday.. I went to a private class for simple piano, it's free.. why not ?! I tried it and.. those teacher saw me as a little kid *backstabs* ohh my.. but there's nothing special there since it's just 30 minutes~
By the way.. if you want to find food recipes you can go to my other blog.. Here's just for fun~

Now I'm helping my little sister's final assignment. Religion subject.. making art object. She choose pucca. So.. we're making it~ a simple one..
About white day.. I'm out of my mind ! I must think out of the box ! but what ?? I thought maybe.. I should draw something or  make homemade chocolate.. but.. Argh ! Whatever.. I hope she like it.. and ! I won't give her a cutter as white day's present !

Today's theme song : "Sending Feelings Over the Distance" by Noriyuki Iwadare ( Radiata Stories )

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Countdown ! 13 days before White day

Ahhh ! What should I do ??
She's a good one but like bloody thing and kinda gory or emo.. There's no way I give her a cutter as white day's present ! Any advices ?

Today's theme song : "Teach Me Please" by Noriyuki Iwadare ( Radiata Stories )


Hello.. I'm Ciel Setsuna.
I already had a blog in wordpress.. but.. I wanna make new one too~ so.. Nice to meet you.