Sunday, October 23, 2011

Girls' Generation (SNSD) - The Boys

I am not a Hardcore fan, but I like Girls' Generation / SNSD. This month is their comeback~ Ganbatte ne, SNSD !

Here's their MV link :

The Boys - English version

Girls' Generation 소녀시대_THE BOYS_Music Video (ENG ver.)
SMTOWN - 1,917,734 views
Etto, I wanted use MV from SMTOWN but i unable to reach that.. so i used "VEVO" one =.=a
once I able to access the SMTOWN, I will change it..

The Boys - Korean version

Girls' Generation 소녀시대_THE BOYS_Music Video (KOR ver.)
SMTOWN - 10,144,462 views

and this one from MBC :

They were wearing Princes and Princesses costumes~

MY Opinion :
OK, this song really gives me Goosebumps every-time I watch or hear it.. It's great ! Song ( Of course ), Lyric, Dance move, MV and even Concept.. Of course, Their hard-work are worth of stand applause~
Thank you for visiting this blog. Have a nice day~