Happy New Year !
Akemashite Omedetto [
] !
Late, but at least I can say it to you..
It's been raining nowadays and (OK) few places were flooded.. but it's fine now though. I unable to go online for few months ago, since I need to concentrate to my Final Project's idea and NOW I really need to make it.. so, Wish me luck.
Since I just start it, I need to make a proposal and it's not that simple (Of course). Lots of revision I made and lack of time for consultation to my guidance lecturers.. Well, it's Christmas and New Year's Holiday. Of course, it's quite hard to do consultation.. even though I use e-mail for consultation. I though I can do consultation directly last week, but when I went to my university and met a security. He told me that all of staffs and lecturers were going to someplace together, maybe for training.. but there's no information about it AND I forgot to call one of my guidance lecturer before go there.. Oh dear, I can't blame them *chuckle* So.. According to that security's information, they all will come back at Friday Night. That's mean I can't do direct consultation except.. tomorrow. I'll do it tomorrow (9/1/2012).
Well, tomorrow is Final Project's Proposal's deadline though.. so, I printed my proposal which has latest revision. (OK) I already printed my proposal this night, but I need to fix it again tomorrow.. One of my guidance lecturer replied my e-mail and told me to take latest revision at his office tomorrow. That's mean I need to print it again tomorrow morning *sighs* Well, I hope I can graduate this year and get (at least) good grade.. I'll do my best for my Final Project !
Everyone ! Good luck for your life and I hope you will have a nice day~ ^^