Wednesday, January 01, 2014



GOD bless you and I hope you'll get BETTER life than last year!

Good luck for your relationship with your lover, family, studies and whatever it is.. Just do you best and don’t forget to pray to your GOD!

Etto~. Long time no see, I haven't post for long time..
Well, various thing happened last year. I wonder how's yours, but I hope you can overcome your problems. As for mine, it is full of pain.. but sometimes sweet as morning dew. Complicated enough to make my mood goes up&down like a roller coaster!

I added one more link at 'Chained Gears', it's my deviantART account. I'm not as active as others, but I'll try to be starting today. Well, I hope I can make a good one.

Anyway.. I’m doing my best here and I’m hoping yours too. Thank you for visiting my blog last year, I hope you’ll back again this year. Once again, Happy New Year!

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